Jassy Vick Carolan LLP

Practice Areas

Practice Areas

Litigating copyright, trademark, trade secret and idea submission claims on behalf of companies and individuals.

Some of the cases our attorneys have handled:

  • Briggs v. Cameron, et al., 2020 WL 6118493 (N.D. Cal. Oct. 16, 2020). Representing Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp., Lightstorm Entertainment Inc., News Corp. and James Cameron, prevailed on a motion to dismiss copyright infringement and related claims concerning the movies Avatar and Taken.   The Court dismissed the claims with prejudice and entered judgment in the Firm's clients' favor.   A copy of the order is here.
  • Burnett v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp., 491 F.Supp.2d 962 (C.D. Cal. 2007). Successfully defended copyright, trademark and right of publicity claims on fair use/parody grounds brought by famous comedienne Carol Burnett against the Family Guy television program.
  • Home Decor Center, Inc. v. Google Inc. (C.D. Cal. 2013, 9th Cir. 2014). Obtained summary judgment for Google against claims for trademark infringement and unfair competition under the Lanham Act relating to Google’s AdWords program.
  • Booloon, Inc. v. Google Inc., 2012 WL 1898937 (Cal. Ct. App. May 25, 2012), 2013 WL 164512 (Cal. Ct. App. Jan. 16, 2013). Successfully defended Google from successive idea submission/trade secret lawsuits in trial and appellate courts.
  • Walker v. Viacom International, Inc., 2008 WL 2050964 (N.D. Cal. May 13, 2008), aff’d, 362 Fed. App’x 858 (9th Cir. 2008). Successfully defended SpongeBob SquarePants franchise, character and story line from alleged copyright infringement.
  • Tarantino v. Gawker Media, 2014 WL 2434647 (C.D. Cal. April 22, 2014). Court dismissed screenwriter-director’s copyright infringement claims against website.
  • Stephen Slesinger, Inc. v. The Walt Disney Co., 155 Cal. App. 4th 736 (2007). Successfully defended Disney at the trial and appellate levels against a lawsuit relating to the intellectual property and merchandising rights to "Winnie the Pooh".
  • Metro Publishing Inc. v. SurfMet, Inc., 2002 WL 32074709 (N.D. Cal. July 3, 2002). Obtained preliminary injunction against publisher for confusingly similar trademark in metadata, domain name and on website.
  • Strick v. Los Angeles Times Communications LLC (C.D. Cal. 2011-13).  Successfully defended newspaper companies in trial court and arbitration concerning alleged infringement of copyrights to photographs.
  • Riggs v. MySpace, Inc. (C.D. Cal. and 9th Cir. 2009-12).  Defeated idea submission allegations made against social media website.
  • Vazquez v. Telemundo Network Group, LLC (Los Angeles Superior Court 2007-08).  Defended Spanish-language network against idea submission lawsuit concerning a television program.
  • Friendly Family Productions vs. Little House on the Prairie, Inc. (C.D. Cal. 2009). Represented heirs of producer of “Little House on the Prairie” TV series in trademark infringement lawsuit.
  • Kent v. Universal Studios Inc. (C.D. Cal. 2008). Successfully defended studio, producers and others against claims for violation of the Lanham Act in connection with the movie Charlie Wilson’s War.
  • Bounce Entertainment v. Condé Nast (Los Angeles Superior Court 2008). Defended Condé Nast against contract and fiduciary duty claims in idea submission lawsuit.